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VAT Registration In The UAE

A Guide To Help You Know All About VAT Registration In The UAE!

VAT registration is registering your business with the government and paying VAT on your goods or services.

VAT is a tax on goods and services that businesses pay to the government. The name stands for Value Added Tax, which means that you pay it at each stage of production or consumption. For example, if you buy something from a shop or restaurant that sells food items such as coffee beans, they will charge you VAT before providing them to you, so they can track how much money was spent on each item (the price). This way, there are no surprises when it comes time for them to send out invoices later down the line!


What are the benefits of registering for VAT?

  • You can claim tax credits on VAT paid against purchases.
  • It is mandatory to register for VAT in the UAE.
  • If you are not required to register, it is still a good idea to do so, as this allows you to claim tax credits and avoid penalties when filing your annual income tax return (ITR).


Who can register for VAT?

VAT is a tax on the supply of goods and services. It is mandatory for all businesses in the UAE, irrespective of their size or nature. There are different types of VAT registration, depending on the nature of your business:

  • If you sell goods to consumers (e.g., clothing stores), you must register as either an importer or exporter. The former applies if you bring in goods from outside the country and sell them, while the latter applies if your company imports goods into UAE but does not intend to resell them locally (e.g., for resale).
  • Suppose your business sells services such as travel arrangements, hotel rooms, etc. In that case, it will be considered under the “consultancy” category, which allows companies registered to claim input tax credits against their service charges when advising on how best to use public funds allocated towards specific projects/programs.


How long does it take to register for VAT in the UAE?

Registering for VAT in the UAE within 24 hours is impossible. If you are a company, VAT filling will take around 3-5 days. It will take around 2-3 days if you are an individual. And if you are a tourist or non-resident of the country, this process will take around 1 day (1 day being the minimum period required).



We hope this guide has given you all the information you need about VAT registration in Abu Dhabi. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help.